The words on the calendar are Advent words–words from Isaiah, Matthew, Luke, Revelation… and words from traditional prayers of the Church.
An eleven-year old friend noticed the word “kindle” on the tree. “Oh, a Kindle!” she said. “Is that what you want for Christmas?” Well, actually, I wouldn’t mind. But more what I had in mind was this prayer:
Come, O Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful,
and kindle in them the fire of Your love.
I’m praying in color this advent–just the calendar, not the tree. But I find that my “days” are filled in with words. I chose Scripture passages and the words come from those. And I thought, “I know I’m doing this wrong.”
Then I saw this blog post and thought, “Duh. Stop thinking wrong … and pray.”
Thanks for encouraging me with a glimpse of your Advent Tree prayed beautifully in color (with words!)