Happy Easter

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Th Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia! Finished Lent Calendar decorated with flowers and veggie from Memphis Farmers Market and yard flowers and herbs. Words from the daily meditations by Walter Brueggemann in his book: A Way Other Than Our Own:...

Collaboration–Good Friday Reflections

It is 1:41PM on Good Friday. I am at the midpoint of the traditional three-hour observance of Jesus’s hours on the cross. As I relish the alone time and silence at my house, the word collaborator continues to haunt me as it has all during the previous 44 days of...

Black and White Intercessory Prayer

Praying for other people was the reason I started praying in color over a dozen years ago.  Although praying in color has also become the way I pray my gratitude list, my confessions, and my concerns, I still return to it over and over again for intercessory prayer. I...