Advent–Week Two

Week two of Advent has not been just a remembrance of the despair and darkness felt by our Judeo-Christian ancestors; it seems more like a re-enactment. I am not a person who cries easily, I have sometimes wondered if there is something wrong with me or my tear ducts....

Advent Calendar Templates 2012

“Prepare for God’s arrival! Make the road straight and smooth, a highway fit for our God.” (Isaiah 40:3 The Message) Advent starts next Sunday, December 2. I love to mark the day-by-day journey to Christmas by using an Advent calendar. Instead of...

Cindy’s Advent Calendar–Week 4

Below is  Cindy’s Advent calendar. You can follow Cindy’s emerging calendar at Mostly Markers. Notice a Sunday theme on hers. Both Cindy and I  have used the words of Scripture and tradition about the seasons of Advent and...

Cindy’s Advent Calendar Week 1½

Here is my friend Cindy’s Advent calendar. Cindy updates her calendar on line almost everyday. Even if you don’t pray/draw your own, you can follow her calendar and reflect on her words and drawings . Go to Mostly Markers for her posts. It also not too...