A Little Lenten Snooze

Last year I read a book called Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School by John Medina. One of the twelve rules and twelve chapters in the book is about Sleep. People have all manner of valid and varied sleep patterns. Some are...


Last week in the woods of Idaho, I picked huckleberries. After a tedious, 5-mile, hour-long drive up a bumpy dirt road, friends Kate and Chris, husband Andy, and I arrived at the top of a mountain with empty plastic bags and a taste for huckleberry pie in our mouths...

Persistence in Prayer

Below is a prayer drawing I have been using for a couple of weeks. As new prayer concerns came to mind and heart, I added doodles. The act of drawing focuses my prayers and my wandering mind. Every time I look at it, the resulting picture reminds me to pray. Sometimes...

Name Prayers

Here is a simple way to draw prayers for others. Take a colored marker and write or print the person’s name. Take a dark pen and outline the name. If it’s in script, outline the outsides and then the insides. Add other markings and doodles to the...

Looking and Seeing Prayer

Spring in Memphis is like a miles-long altar decorated for Easter Sunday. Azaleas, dogwoods, tulips, and redbuds are in full bloom in yards, on median strips and along the highway. In a grouchy and sad mood earlier this week, I plopped down on a front porch chair and...