Body-Part Prayers—Milagros

Body-Part Prayers—Milagros

As a child and teen in the late 1950’s and 60’s in a firmly Protestant family, I was afraid of the symbols and physicality of my Catholic neighbors’ faith. Rosaries, medals of saints, statues of angels and Jesus, and crucifixes seemed both...

Colon/Birthday Prayers

If you are colon-averse, you might want to stop reading right now.  A week ago today my husband Andy had a resection of his colon. The doctor acted like it was no big deal. “I love doing these things,” he said. My husband and I do not love “doing...

Happy Easter

Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Th Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia! Finished Lent Calendar decorated with flowers and veggie from Memphis Farmers Market and yard flowers and herbs. Words from the daily meditations by Walter Brueggemann in his book: A Way Other Than Our Own:...

Lenten Calendar Templates 2017

Using a calendar template is one of my favorite ways to keep a daily discipline during Lent. It doesn’t involve making false promises to myself about sitting down for thirty minutes a day and praying/studying/meditating and then feeling guilty when I fail. On the...

The Love of a Few (Thousand) Friends

For our whole adult lives, my husband and I have been nomads. We have lived in a dozen plus cities and towns, sometimes for a year, once for sixteen years. I often complain that I am rootless and homeless–at least in the Southern sense of having a strong sense...