My posting, I notice, is sporadic. When I wrote for the Purpose Driven Connection, I wrote 5-6 days every week. So why the scatter shot writing now? I propose a few explanations:
# 1: Writing for the PDC included a contract; there was an obligation and a paycheck. But in spite of the contract, it didn’t feel like a obligation. I loved the writing and the daily discipline. Looking and listening for God and God’s presence in the world became a habit I don’t want to lose.
#2 I’ve been finishing a manuscript, writing a couple of articles, and commuting once a month between cities–a pretty lame excuse, really.
#3 I wait for permission to do a lot of things in life. Purpose Driven gave me an invitation and a permission slip to write about my prayer life. I probably would never have written Praying in Color if an author hadn’t said, “You WILL write about the way you pray.” This third explanation is the most troubling for me. It’s the one that keeps me from jumping into new ministries, volunteering in my community, or pursuing a new career. It’s the one that says, “You have nothing to offer. Who gave you the right to do…?” When I see other people hesitate to share their ideas or their skills because of fear or waiting for permission I get upset. Those little voices feel like the whisper of the liar, not the voice of God. I am learning to at least talk back. Sometimes I can even say, “Get thee behind me Satan.” (Matthew 16:23 KJV)
Hi Sybil, I read your post today, and I want to say Thankyou for opening up a new world of using my art journaling for prayer and sermon illistration.
I wanted my art to be pleasing to God as should be every aspect of my life, this really works for me.
I pray that God will use your talent to bless others as He has blessed me through you.
Thanks, Lael.
You really hit the nail on the head for me with reason #3. I write a weekly prayer guide for our church and others, so that sort of fits into reason #1 to continue, but my personal writing is very sporadic, often because I feel that it wouldn’t be of interest or value to anyone else. You’ve given me something to think and pray (and maybe even to journal) about today. Thank you! And please continue to write; I find that your writing hits close to home for me and really encourages me.