I am an “Advent Fanatic” or “Advent Extremist” or “Advent Fundamentalist” or “Advent ____.” I’m trying to find the right word to fill in the blank. Yesterday a friend proposed “Advent Advocate.” I like the alliteration, but it feels less hardcore than I am. I really want Advent to have its almost four-week due. Then let Christmas and Epiphany have another two or more weeks. Maybe, it turns out, “Advent Grouch” is a more apt word for me. Anyway, I’m still waiting for the perfect word duo to express my resolute devotion to a real time of preparation and waiting before Christmas. (without being a cranky old lady about it)
I discovered I’m not the only pre-Christmas, purple-light person in the neighborhood. There is a magnificent light-covered tree about a half-mile from me. I haven’t knocked on the owner’s door yet to ask if they are making an Advent statement or if they just like purple. To me the tree says, “It’s Advent!, Prepare the way of the Lord.”
The picture on the left is our porch; the fabulous tree is on the right.
Here is the first half of my Advent calendar. This year I decided to pray for people and places. For the past couple of years I’ve been pondering and praying Advent words: wait, hope, anticipate, darkness, prepare, light….
Advent Aficionado! Blessing for your purple season!
Like it! Thanks.
love seeing how our “wreaths” are coming along for Advent–
will share later…..I choose to do the wreath this year too.
Beautiful colors and shapes as the wreath emerges.