Beehive Prayer

Feb 8, 2012

A Facebook friend sent me a link for downloading interesting, free paper as a possible template for praying in color prayers. The page was full of connecting hexagons and looked like the cellular structure of a beehive. I noticed that the link offered other shapes besides hexagons and the opportunity to change the size of each shape. I can download a page full of hexagons with 1/2 ” sides or a page with just a few big hexagons. Here’s the link .

I decided to try making my own paper with hexagons using the Draw menu in Word. It wasn’t too difficult. I like the hexagonal structure for several reasons:
1. It’s aesthetically pleasing to my mathematical eye.
2. It is efficient in terms of space. The pieces fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
3. My prayer can grow. Tomorrow or later this week, I can pray for other people in the empty cells.
4.  The honeycomb structure of a beehive is a spread of hexagons. I like to think that all of us in our joys and sorrows are in this cosmic hive together.

Thanks for this idea, Darla.


  1. dear sybil… i just received your books in the mail..i ordered everything. i’m friends with richard fudge and he was the one to point me in your direction. i have to tell you i’m in love with the concept and can’t wait to see how it plays out. i believe we are going to use this idea for our ART time this summer at our Kidz Camp. not sure yet what it’s gonna look like, but i will after i watch the DVD :)
    so stoked.

    this design reminds me of a game i used to play called mudcrack Y… i wonder if that would another design idea.

  2. Like the idea but the software listed doesnt work for MACS :( oh well

    • Is there a MAC program for doing it?


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