Easter Calendar Template

Happy Easter!  I plan to say that phrase until Pentecost on May 24. Just in case you are still looking for a daily discipline of prayer and doodling after the forty days of Lent, here is a template for an Easter calendar. Starting with Easter there are 49 shapes. The...

Finished Lenten Calendars 2015

Snapping “awesome” pictures everyday was a discipline of looking and seeing for my Lenten “Awe of the Day” Calendar. I took at least one picture per day but did not always post it to the calendar template each day. I plan to add the remaining...

Good Friday Prayers

My Good Friday prayers were for friends and the people who love them and stand with them as they struggle. As I was doodling/praying, I remembered one of the first Christian pop songs I ever heard back in the 1970’s called “Lay Your Burden Down” by...


The Maundy Thursday service with communion and footwashing is one of my favorite worship experiences of the liturgical year. As parishioners walk down the aisle to the front of the church with all sorts and conditions of bare feet, it feels like a time of shared...


Yesterday on Palm Sunday, members of our congregation marched the few blocks from downtown to the nave of the church. As we processed up the street, we sang a call-and-response song with our minister as the cantor. “Hosanna, Hosanna. Hosanna, Hosanna. Blessed is...