Coloring Books to “Bless and De-Stress”

Oct 9, 2015

Paraclete Press, the publisher of all of my books (except for the famous Algebra 1 Printed Test Bank and Instructor’s Resource Guide I wrote in 2005 for Addison-Wesley ), has just released three coloring books. They were created in-house by artists at Paraclete.  I was lucky enough to see them before they went to press and to write an introduction and blurb for each.

Here is what I wrote for the introductory page of each:

“Sometimes coloring is just coloring. To put crayons to paper and create a rainbow of marks and swaths is relaxing, playful, and maybe even artistically satisfying. But sometimes coloring is more. To put colored crayons, markers, or pencils to paper is to create a pathway to the numinous. Coloring invites the body and the senses into an experience of inner stillness. While the hand moves, the mind and the body slow down. The heart and the ears open carving a space for a time of rich silence and an opportunity for God to speak.”

I have mistakenly assumed that everyone can or likes to doodle. “If my ‘C-minus-in-Art’ self can doodle, then anyone can,” I thought. This might be true, but not everyone wants to doodle. Coloring books allow people to express themselves visually and colorfully without dealing with the “I can’t draw” or even “I can’t doodle” voice.

The three new coloring books are a special addition to the coloring book market. I like the size (7″x8.5″), the format, the simple but beautiful designs, the spiritual content and the layout. There is space for my notes or thoughts. I can even add some of my own doodles if I want.

Coloring Books--Paraclete Resized

Here are some sample pages from Words of Faith and Celtic Blessings.

Coloring Book Collage 2 ResizedParaclete did not ask me to write this blog. I just like these coloring books. And I know that the designers and production staff prayed and loved them into existence. You can purchase these books from all of the usual booksellers and the publisher.


  1. Oh, Sybil! These look wonderful! Thank you for sharing about them.

  2. I’ve looked with interest at your website. My niece sent it to me after seeing my entries in a 30-Day Coloring Challenge that I’ve entered. It runs till the end of this month. Do you happen to know the artist of the Celtic coloring book above? I know two who are working on getting their Celtic coloring books published — one is Kim Victoria and the other is Valerie Sjodin. I posted a list of the colors of the liturgical year after I did a little study on colors on my blog. Dr. Grace Ketterman, our former therapist (she diagnosed our family as ADD), said that colors do make a difference, esp. when you put it up on a wall, so I was curious to know what colors you are drawn to?

    • Hi Dolores, I don’t know who drew the coloring books. They were done “in-house” at Paraclete Press. You could probably email them to find out. I’m attracted to bold, deep colors and odd combinations of colors. No pastels. Peace, Sybil


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