Ruler Prayer

Feb 19, 2012

When my husband Andy leads Praying in Black and White workshops with men, he takes a tool bucket with him. In it are black pens, plain paper, graph paper, protractors, triangles and rulers. These supplies are to help participants feel comfortable drawing their prayers even if they are nervous about doodling.

I’ve been doing this long enough that drawing abstract shapes is not threatening to me any more. But I thought, “What would happen if I tried praying with a ruler?”  So one day when I just wanted to be quiet in prayer with no agenda, I used paper, black, pen, and a six-inch ruler. It was a sweet time with God.


  1. thanks for continuing to share these ideas. i’m loving all of it and shared it with 150+ women last week.

  2. I found your link Anam Cara’s post today. I am a sculptor/writer/prayer warrior and I love the idea of Praying in Color! I, too, don’t draw well, but I know I can do this. I will be blogging about prayer during lent and with your kind permission I would like to include your name and site on my blog, Still Water and Ponderings (
    Thank you and may God continue to bless you in your ministry!


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