Doodle and Color and Pray

Doodle and Color and Pray

Someone recently asked me if I usually make a coloring page first before I pray. No one had ever asked me that before so I had to think about it. I’m not sure there is a usual. I don’t think of myself as a “colorer,” if that is a word. I think...

Second-Week-of-Advent Calendars 2015

Advent gives me the chance to reencounter the lush, dynamic vocabulary of the Christian tradition. The words on my round-sticker calendar are like old friends who are familiar yet always new. Like words in Scripture they are not stagnant. They reveal something new...

First-Week-of-Advent Calendars

As a strong P (Perceiver) on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator I have trouble making decisions, especially when there are so many options to choose from. Perceivers never have enough data. Some new piece of information confuses them and keeps them from making decisions....