Ongoing Paisley Prayers and Workshop Dates

My paisley prayer has been growing. Instead of finishing the prayer in one sitting, I have been adding names over the course of a couple of weeks. Adding a new color reminds me of when I started praying for certain people. At the same time, I can pray for the original...

Plein Air Doodling and Spirograph Template

Some of my best friends are artists–real ones. They have easels and oil paints and watercolors–the whole artist kaboodle. The results on their canvases actually look like what they attempted to paint. Today I was lucky enough to go with three friends while...

Praying in Color Coloring Pages

Some people tell me they like the idea of Praying in Color but feel unable to doodle. So here are three pre-doodled, coloring prayer templates to download with suggested ways to use them. Partially colored examples of prayers are next to the template. Each template is...

Good Friday Prayers

My Good Friday prayers were for friends and the people who love them and stand with them as they struggle. As I was doodling/praying, I remembered one of the first Christian pop songs I ever heard back in the 1970’s called “Lay Your Burden Down” by...