Finished Lenten Calendars 2015

Snapping “awesome” pictures everyday was a discipline of looking and seeing for my Lenten “Awe of the Day” Calendar. I took at least one picture per day but did not always post it to the calendar template each day. I plan to add the remaining...


Yesterday on Palm Sunday, members of our congregation marched the few blocks from downtown to the nave of the church. As we processed up the street, we sang a call-and-response song with our minister as the cantor. “Hosanna, Hosanna. Hosanna, Hosanna. Blessed is...

Lenten Calendar–Surrender

I have enjoyed taking pictures for my “Awe a Day” calendar this Lent. It has made me attentive to objects and views I might have missed in ordinary time. But after a few days I knew I needed some words. Maybe even one word. So the word for this Lent has...

Powerless Prayer

Step One of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon is “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol–that our lives had become unmanageable.” Because my life is often unmanageable and chaotic, I say the first step a lot, substituting other...