
Jul 14, 2011

Jacob wept. Esau wept. Joseph wept. Rachel wept. Esther wept. Peter wept. Mary wept. Jesus wept. Tears are everywhere–even in the eyes of the Bible’s biggest stars. When I drew this prayer I noticed the shapes were a bunch of big tear drops. The people I’m praying for are dealing with some tough issues—fear, illness, pain, and sorrow. But I also realize this: these are people who are basically full of joy. Tears and laughter often exist together in the same instant. We can multitask joy and sorrow at the same time.  Joy and sorrow let me know I’m alive and experiencing the full range of human emotion–maybe even divine emotion.


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. I had not thought about tears that way and it helps to realize that tears are a part of life. I like the drawing you made. I never thought about visualizing my prayers that way. Thank you for teaching me something new.

  2. Thanks for letting me know this post was helpful, Pamela. God’s Peace,

  3. I just discovered your blog from Creative Currents by Sandra Martin. I love these drawings! It reminds of a picture I have at home. I would meet with 2 other women in our family to pray periodically for our family. To help us to remember who to pray for I drew a picture of a tree with all the people’s names on the branches. Last year I got the crazy idea to paint a tree in my living room with leaves trailing across the walls and ceilings with those same names on it. I painted the tree but didn’t like it so I had my husband paint over it….maybe I should revisit that idea!

    • Oh, I’ve always wanted to have a prayer wall! Do revisit that idea. Since I couldn’t draw a decent looking tree if my life depended on it, I’d probably just fill it up the wall with weird shapes or amorphous leaves containing the names of the people I’m praying for. My solution to not having a wall is a big calendar. I usually use this during Lent but no reason not to do it at other times. I think I might rally for a wall in my house. Would markers (my main art implement) work on a wall?

  4. Great thoughts here! And regarding that tree on the wall, I’ve seen some of those removable wall decor stickers in tree and tree branches shapes. Some of them are designed to “hold” picture frames in the branches and be a very visual family tree. I saw them at etsy.com.

  5. Wow. That is beautiful – the tears. I have doodled thoughts or words in shapes in my prayer journal occasionally, but never thought of doing it this way. Great idea. And I totally want to rally to paint a whole wall too when I own a house!!


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