The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas & Epiphany Extremist

Oct 13, 2014

My new book, the Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of An Advent, Epiphany, and Christmas Extremist, is now available. For years I have wanted to write a book about Advent because it’s my favorite season of the year. But Advent, I realized, is not a stand alone season; it’s part of a bigger picture. It’s the left hand panel of the Nativity Season triptych with Christmas in the middle and Epiphany on the right. Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany witness to Jesus’s presence on earth, to his flesh and blood self.

“Christmas, in my opinion, gets short shrift. For some reason, Christians have made the death, atonement, and resurrection of the Easter season the most important focus of theology and worship. We seem to have forgotten the mystery and wonder of Jesus’s mere existence and life on earth. The concept of the Incarnation—God coming to “dwell among us” as flesh and blood—is so fanciful and so reckless, it deserves more attention.” (p. 10-11)

This new book aims to give the Nativity season the attention it deserves. It celebrates Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with a little theology, a little memoir, and lots of hands-on, head-on, heart-on activities for an individual or a whole family to do at home.

Check out my new Home Page and the Season of the Nativity Page on this website. The Season of the Nativity Page has some mini reviews and links to where you can buy the book. Think Halloween and Thanksgiving gifts! Please Share with others via the Facebook, Twitter…buttons below. Thanks.

Season of the Nativity Cover resized


  1. Congrats on the book! It would be nice to see more of the inside of the book if that is possible.

  2. Thank you can’t wait to get this book. From one Advent Adventurer to another, happy to know I am not the lone enthusiast!

    • Advent Adventurer, I like that. It is an adventure and nice to have companions!


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