1) Lectio Divina and Praying in Color with Ruah Space
November 15, Sunday, 7pm Central Time
Join Phil & Erin Vestal of Ruah Space and Sybil MacBeth, the author of Praying in Color, for a special live event. As a community, we will explore the practice of praying in color in tandem with lectio divina. Lectio divina means “sacred reading.” It is an ancient way to read and pray scripture as living word, always fresh and new.
Bring paper, a black pen, colored pencils, markers, crayons, paint, or whatever you would like to use to pray in color with us!
To sign up Click Here

2) An Advent Workshop—November 29, Sunday 7-8:30 PM ET
Praying in Color Advent Workshop–Zoom
Sponsored by the Jordan Ministry Team, a collaborative ministry of the Salvatorian Family. For Details and Registration: Click HERE
Advent is the season of preparation for God’s coming into the world as flesh and blood at Christmas. Advent—which begins on Sunday, November 29—is also the season of preparation for our daily pilgrimage with Jesus throughout the whole liturgical year. With left-brain and right-brain exercises, we will explore the rich and lush language of Advent. We will learn some meditative and playful prayer practices for use during Advent or anytime. Bring some plain paper, a pen, colored pencils or markers, and a spirit of holy Adventure.