Cross Doodles and Words

Cross Doodles and Words

Besides doodling my prayers, I love to doodle just for fun. I have a sketchbook for TV Doodles–those random things I draw while watching TV or drinking coffee. I’ve noticed something lately; many of my doodles start with a cross. I’m not sure why. Is...

Holy Week Calendar and Meditation

Whether you have had successful weeks of Lenten discipline or you botched it early on, here’s an idea for a way to make the daily pilgrimage through Holy Week. Download the template below, spend some time with the Holy Week story, and meditate on a word a day....

Pray a Word of Scripture–Lectio Divina

One of my favorite spiritual practices–especially during Lent–is to use a single word of Scripture to start a conversation with God. This practice is called lectio divina–divine or sacred reading. Lectio Divina has four parts: Lectio, Meditatio,...

Pondering and Praying a Word at 35,000 Feet

One of the best and worst things about air travel is being trapped in a seat for several hours. I often accomplish more in the time in those cramped quarters than I do at home in a whole day. On a flight back home on the first Sunday of Advent I started to doodle just...