Summer Manicure

Except for a 3000-word essay I wrote as a chapter for a book, my writing productivity in the past few months has been nil. There have been no new blog posts in five weeks, no new pages in the book that is due at the publisher in six months. The picture below...

Prayer Flash Mob

My email and praying in color dynamo and friend, Lynne M, sent me yet another wonderful way to share prayers. She has been praying for a young man named Tyler with cancer. She drew a black and white prayer template and then colored it. Then she suggested that family...

Cast Prayers and Doodles

Any blank surface can become a place for prayers. “The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.”  (Isaiah...

Möbius Prayers

Möbius strips are intriguing. A Möbius strip is created by taking a closed band, cutting it, and reattaching it after making a single twist in one of the ends. Unlike a circular band, a mobius strip doesn’t have an inside or outside.  If you place your pencil...

Rose Window (?) Prayer

I like using nature, geometry, architecture, everyday objects,…whatever is in view as templates for my prayers. The only problem is my inability to draw what I see. I modeled the prayer below from the rose windows at the Archabbey Church at St. Meinrad in...

Two Cindys–on Retreat at St. Meinrad

The name Cindy means “woman from Mount Cynthos or Kynthos” (from the name Cynthia) or perhaps, “light” (from the name Lucinda). When I looked up the origin of the name, I expected something a little more dramatic like “woman who empowers,...