St. Meinrad Archabbey Day 2 1/2

I arrived at St. Meinrad Archabbey in the rolling hills of Indiana on Monday afternoon. St. Meinrad is both a town name and the name of the Benedictine monastery that has existed here since the mid 1800’s. The beauty of the setting and the buildings was...

Simple Drawings 2

Like yesterday’s prayer, I’m in simple mode this week. Here is another drawing which promotes praying in color as not an “art project” but a “prayer project” using...

Simple Drawings

Praying in color prayers do not have to be ornate, complicated, detailed, or beautiful. They can be very simple: just a few strokes of the pen, dots, circles, lines, shapes, a splash of color here and there. My prayer drawings sometimes become kind of elaborate. I...

Progressive Prayer

When I was a kid, progressive dinners were a social fad. A progressive dinner moved from house to house–appetizers at one house, salad at another, main course at still another, and dessert at a final location. The guests might be all the same people just moving...

Lenten Calendars for 2013

Happy Easter! Hallelujah! How nice it is to say that word again after suppressing it for forty days. Here is my finished calendar for this Lent. Unlike last year’s calendar where I focused on the names for God, this year’s entries were a hodgepodge of...

Maundy Thursday/Last Supper/Passover Poem

Passover Poem Pass through the Exit gates of Eden Pass over the plagues of death Pass under the Red Sea waves Pass by in a pillar of cloud Pass up the offerings of Baal Pass down the Covenant of God Pass into the Promised Land Pass out the loaves and fishes Pass...