Here is my final calendar for Lent. Some days I worked the program as I had planned–a full blown meditation and prayer on each word. Other days I chose a word and drew hastily with a scattered mind and spirit. In spite of my inconsistent discipline, I learned at least one thing about Psalm 51: It is full of rich, multi-textured words. There were so many words to choose from, I made it through only fifteen of the nineteen verses.
I think I understand why this Psalm is quoted, sung, and studied so often. The wide variety and depth of words form a lexicon of our salvation history. Even with just the forty-six words on my calendar, I could tell a version of my story and the Great Story all culminating in the only missing word–JESUS.
Happy Easter Sybil, Thanks for the great idea. I finished my
Lent Calendar today with readings from The Daily Lectionary. I loved this way of celebrating Easter, remembering all that Christ did for me, and will do this again at Christmas. God Bless you. Lael
Your Lent calendar turned out nicely, especially only using Lent colors. :) I enjoyed doing the calendar for the month. Thank you for the idea.